From today, The Future is Rural
LAB Genalguacil

The International Rural Innovation Laboratory, also known as "LAB", is a collaborative open model
dedicated to the transformation and development of rural areas and fostering new practices of innovation


Why are we here?

Lab Genalguacil is an open model that enables rural areas to develop and implement their own tools for innovation - generating local solutions as active communities and challenging stereotypes about what being rural really means. At the core of our innovation approach is the value of local knowledge and an understanding of the complex relationships between the needs of people and nature - and the overall well-being of rural areas.

Featured Projects

Here you can keep up to date with the latest projects in which LAB is involved.

  • Pacesetters

    LAB Genalguacil, kicks off its first Horizon Europe Project, led by the LABs strategic partner NTNU.

  • Impact Academy Residency

    A cooperation between the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and Fundación Genalguacil Pueblo Museo


    Reinventing the rural future of andalusia

Let's talk

If you are interested in knowing more about LAB Genalguacil and how you can be part of this project for the transformation of rural areas, do not hesitate to contact us.


Lab Genalguacil is a great opportunity to explore, reflect and co-produce outcomes that foster a meaningful, ethical, and sustainable relationship with both the territory and its communities. We aim to understand and share valuable insights for the development of rural areas through innovation.

  • Perspective

    Genalguacil lives the spirit of the New European Bauhaus. From the 14th to the 21st of April Genalguacil hosts the only rural satellite event in Spain. Click here to access the live stream during the event.

  • Innovation in One Shot

    The attempt to visually and acoustically capture rural innovation in one take embraces a paradox: How to visualise what actually eludes the image?

  • Innovation in rural and remote areas

    Meet the people, places and projects of Genalguacil, sharing experiences and raising questions on how art, culture, tradition and nature can drive transformation.

Our Partners

We believe in the power of collaboration, and our journey toward new practices of innovation would not be possible without the support and expertise of our partners. Together, we are forging new paths, encouraging creative confidence, building networks of trust, fostering new approaches, and driving positive change in rural development. At the heart of our collective efforts is an understanding of lives beyond binaries and embracing the complex relationships of everyday lives. Our work together is founded in trust, generosity, and the uncertainty of making something new

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©2024 Lab Genalguacil